Saturday, September 21, 2013


Today is a wonderful lazy Saturday at home. It is definitely fall outside. I started a gallon of sour pickles, and 7 pounds of spiced plum preserves are simmering on the stove. It smells amazing and tastes dreamy so far. Here is a link to the recipe I used, except I added sugar as I am going to be processing them in a boiling water bath to preserve them. Blue Kale Road - Autumn Spiced Plum Jam. Sour pickles are a staple in our home, and I prefer to use the small pickles so I snatch them up whenever I spot them at the farmer's market. We are set with pickles for the winter. My fridge looks so happy right now, full of mason jars of fermented foods and real food staples: kimchi, chicken stock, raw milk, yogurt, sour pickles, beet kvass, water kefir and kombucha. I smile to think my mother in law wouldn't know what to do with herself if she needed to prepare a meal in my home. Project for the rest of the week involves canning tomatoes. I have no mason jars left. I should have bought stock in Ball thanks to the growing trend of food preservation and mason jar decor. Last year I froze tomatoes, but I think canning them would be a tastier (and prettier) way this time. I have not found the recipe I will use yet. Last weekend we went to a pasture walk at the farm we get our milk. It was the most perfectly warmish cool day and the kids had such a wonderful time meeting the calves, cows, turkeys and hens that give them their delicious food. I was so sad because I forgot my camera, but fortunately the newspaper was there snapping shots of my girls, so I have added them here. I dream of getting a fancy camera so that I can post photos of my food and family that I am proud of. Still only a dream...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I need a place to keep track of my culinary and crunchy endeavors, so here it is! My family follows the basics of Sally Fallon and Weston A. Price Foundation nutrition. Don't get me wrong, I have been known to sample some Taco Bell cheesy gordita crunches, and I have a particular weakness for Starbucks iced coffees, but we'll just keep that between us. I love making everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) from scratch. I will be sharing those adventures with you, too. I hope to get a nice camera to share my beautiful food art with you, but my little camera phone will suffice for now. For now I leave you with some dyed quail eggs we made last Easter. Quail eggs are a novelty I now consider to be hardly worth the effort.